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… is a grassroot initiative promoting open science at Marburg University.


The interdisciplinary Open Science Initiative University Marburg (OSIUM) has the mission to promote and to foster open science practices at Philipps-University Marburg and beyond.


We seek to promote Open Science by offering advanced training programs (e.g., summer schools) for early career researchers and senior faculty members, public talks, help with the development of core curricula on open research practices. Even more, we seek to develop and implement alternative incentive structures in science that support the adoption of open science practices. We also organize open peer-to-peer events like hackathons and retreats as well as regular meetings (e.g., our Open office Hour) to promote the exchange between open science enthusiasts. For detailed information about the ongoing OSIUM events, please check our calendar.

Organizational Structure

MARA Working Group

Since 2018, OSIUM is an independent MARA working group. open to all members of the university that are interested in the topic of open and sustainable research.

Collaborations in Marburg

OSIUM collaborates within Marburg University with the MArburg Research Academy MARA, the eResearch Center and the Zukunftswerkstatt.

Collaborations Beyond Marburg

Beyond Marburg University, we collaborate with the Hessian Data Infrastructure HeFDI and other Open Science actors in Germany. OSIUM is member of the Network of Open Science Initiatives NOSI and part of the global Brainhack Community. We furthermore collaborate with FORRT and The Turing Way.

Current Board Members

Neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, physicists, computer scientists, linguists and media scientists have come together to promote Open Science at Marburg University for the benefit of all sciences. We are always looking for new Open Science enthusiasts to join the team!

Franziska Usée, Monica B. Berdugo, Lydia Riedl, Björn Siepe

Former Board Members

Julia Pfarr, Christoph Vogelbacher, Thomas S. Hartmann, Karlin Hossner, Ina Thome


José Alanis, Malte Gueth, Peer Herholz, Jens Sommer, Christoph Vogelbacher

Supporter List

going to come

Code of Conduct

OSIUM is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. As OSIUM members collaborate closely with the Brainhack Community, we declare the Code of Conduct of the Brainhack Community as valid also for the events organized by OSIUM. We expect the Code of Conduct to be honored by everyone who participates in the OSIUM community or claims any affiliation with OSIUM. This code is not exhaustive or complete. We ask community members to adhere to it as much in spirit as in letter to create a safe and positive experience for all.

